A new photovoltaic system

In order to relieve the hospital financially, but also for environmental reasons, we installed a thermal solar system and a small photovoltaic system in 2010. This will now be expanded.

The biggest problem was to find necessary funds. Supported by generous donors and a subsidy from the province government of Tyrol, we were able to save a sum of € 65,000.00. The Italian NGO "Think Global" put us in touch with the German development aid organization BEGECA. By now they are involved in this project as well, doubling this sum and also taking over the technical implementation. Now this project can start.

In September 2022, Mr. Bernd Wolff of BEGECA travelled with Christine to Ifakara to assess the situation at St. Francis Hospital. As a first step, he repaired the already existing thermal solar system, which was out of work, and initiated the technical planning and necessary preliminary work in the hospital.


In the meantime, BEGCA has invited tenders for the project from companies in Tanzania, Zambia and Germany. The winner was the company AG-energies Ltd in Dar es Salaam. Including update of the old photovoltaic system, further repairs of the old thermal system and the electrical system of the hospital, the costs amount to around   € 110.000.
The supervision of the construction will be done by Ing. Weru from Nairobi, who has among other things supervised the construction of a photovoltaic system on the UNO building in Nairobi.
So let's get started!!!

Today, Bernd Wolff from BEGECA, site manager Gerorge Weru, and Ibrahim Mussah from AG energies Ltd met the management of the hospital to agree on further procedures.

The assembly begins.
The substructure on the roof of the hospital is mounted.

Due to heavy storms and heavy rain, the assembly work is currently interruped.


After interruption of the assembly work due to bad weather,  work could be resumed quickly. All parts of the photovoltaic system were properly assembled and installed, so that the system with an output of 60 kWp can go into full operation. Power supply for the hospital has significantly been improved. Diesel generators need no longer be commissioned regularly so as to compensate for power outages. Expenses for electricity and diesel will significantly be reduced, which also will result in a positive effect for the environment.

 We thank all donors and participants, especially  BEGECA for good cooperation, financial help, as well as for competent handling and implementation of the project.

Thank you very much!


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Doctors for Ifakara
Hauptstraße 39b
A-6511 Zams in Tirol

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Bank: Raiffeisen Bank Oberland-Reutte
A-6511 Zams
Recipient: Association "Doctors for Ifakara"
IBAN Code:
AT82 3699 0000 0553 0787


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